by Hattie Hasan | Aug 29, 2012 | Business, For Customers, Want to become a plumber?
How come we as a nation here in UK have been trained to expect such terrible customer service? How did we allow this to happen, so that we’re gushing with gratitude when someone merely does their job? I saw a post on Facebook recently, we have an interest in...
by Hattie Hasan | Aug 8, 2012 | For Customers, Want to become a plumber?
I’ve been working with women plumbers for several years now and am constantly amazed at their passion. Passionate plumbers aren’t common, but the women who choose plumbing, pretty well have to be to go the distance. So why do women choose something so...
by Hattie Hasan | Jul 2, 2012 | Business, For Customers, Want to become a plumber?
Usually customers want three things in plumbing, something that works well, something that looks amazing and essentially, that’s the right price. How do these combine? Which are the priorities? The look is something a customer can see and comment on as the work...
by Hattie Hasan | Jul 2, 2012 | Business, For Customers, Want to become a plumber?
What has plumbing got to do with jazz and improvisation? Not the improvisation of cobbling any old thing together, but of the aliveness of never knowing what’s coming next, like in music. A plumber working on a building site, installing and working from a blank...
by Hattie Hasan | Jun 20, 2012 | For Customers, Training, Want to become a plumber?
Your plumber may be gorgeous (or in the majority of cases probably not) but that’s not what we’re talking about. What your plumber always dreamed of being has huge significance for you as a customer. It may come as a surprise but the women who contact us...
by Hattie Hasan | Jun 19, 2012 | Business, For Customers, Hattie, Want to become a plumber?
It’s probably true to say that when it comes to buying new things for the home, it’s the woman of the house that takes charge. She decides what’s needed, and then she goes out and chooses it. (She may get someone else to pay for it). When the house...