Women plumbers are everyday heroines
I’ve been working with women plumbers for several years now and am constantly amazed at their passion.
Passionate plumbers aren’t common, but the women who choose plumbing, pretty well have to be to go the distance.
So why do women choose something so dirty where they have to constantly swim against the tide of societies expectations?
Well, first, lots of jobs women do are dirty, child rearing for one.
Some like being the unexpected.
Many women love having practical skills, have the solution focused mindset that enables them to come into a home that’s broken, work out what’s wrong and find a way to fix it.
And here’s the best bit women plumbers love; when they come into your broken home and make it work for you, they’re a hero.
Women love to be a hero as much as men.
A woman plumber comes in, sees you upset at having a house that isn’t working, calms you down and she fixes it and makes everything OK again!
Proper every-day heros