Hattie Hasan – Founder and Director of Stopcocks Women Plumbers describes the last 5 weeks.
Stopcocks Women Plumbers are the world’s only national company of self-employed female plumbers; a highly innovative plumbing firm dedicated to twin goals of ensuring customer satisfaction and supporting women to fulfill their potential as excellent plumbers.
Here’s a glimpse of how we combine supporting trainees, plumber mentoring, technical excellence and customer service throughout the UK.

Hattie mentoring Femke
At the end of July we ran a five day Plumber’s Boot Camp in the Yorkshire Dales where three of our plumbers completed their NVQ assessments, another three gained all the experience and skills complex jobs can provide under Hattie – our Founder’s expert mentoring. Toni is in the process of joining Hattie as a mentor and she completed the team as second in command.
The low electricity supply to the house and finances meant options were limited but new water heating and three brand new bathrooms were fitted by the team, doubling capacity.
In spite of poor phone reception, customer calls were answered and we arranged and featured in a two hour long radio special highlighting the uniqueness of the company and of the women’s holiday centre we were working on.
At the end of that week we returned to HQ to complete some strategy and admin along with providing plumbing services for Hattie’s home town customers.
Next it was down to Newquay. An old friend has a large multiple occupancy house there and it’s boiler was inadequate for the job.
Toni, our Stopcocks Woman Plumber there is an oil specialist in response to local demand, so while Hattie got to grips with the heating and hot water requirements and installed the boiler & cylinder, Toni sorted out everyone’s showers.
After one of the hottest weeks of the year spent in an attic space, the eight occupants of the house had effective heating and stonking good showers.
From there to a brief stop in the New Forest. Two of our trainees (currently in college completing their 6189 NVQ level 2 Diploma) were working on a primary school during the summer holidays. Hattie spent a morning setting them up and explaining what to do when and how, then being available on the end of the phone for further advice and support for the remainder of the job.
Next to The Medway in Kent and work on a large old steamer being converted into a sea worthy house-boat.
Hattie has been collaborating with the owners Fleur and Jonty for almost a year (http://davenhamalovestory.blogspot.co.uk/) and now that much other work has been completed
they will have cold running water. Hattie will return to complete a fully functioning on-board bathroom and central heating ready for autumn.
By abandoning the usual plumber concept of territory, we’ve been able to meet the requirements of our customers for excellence and the needs of our plumbers for support.
By creating a community of female plumbers, we’re building and strengthening our national brand and visibility.
It won’t be long before there is a Stopcocks Woman Plumber in ever town and city in England and Wales. If you’re interested in joining our team as a student or plumber or if you feel your home would benefit from our love and care call 0800 862 0010.