What makes a secret secret?
Have you ever noticed that the more unobtainable something is the more we want it? It’s human nature to be curious.
How many parents have told their child NOT to do something and then turned round to see their darling doing EXACTLY the thing they were told expressly NOT to do. (Gotta love ’em)

I could site many examples in my own experience but also in society where this has really helped sell.
Do you remember the whole “Relax” campaign of the 80’s? OK the tune is good and the beat is OK to dance to but the song itself (in my opinion), was mediocre. Until it was slammed and banned and made unobtainable.
Then, even I had to have it. Tell society they can’t have something and you can be sure they will want it.
Internet marketing has been using the ploy for years to good effect.
Here’s the secret.. about secrets.
Once you know it, then you really won’t know what all the fuss was about.
The simplest thing in the world has got to be creating a secret. If you want to create a buzz around anything at all the first words to come out have to be..
“I’ve Got a Secret”
Before you know it people will be clamering and wondering what on earth your secret could be.
Actually.. as it happens.. I do have a secret……