‘The Stopcocks Solution’ is is our plumbing solution and what makes us different

The Stopcocks solution
Many companies offer plumbing solutions, but what kind of solution are they really offering?
As a company of women we understand the issues other women face. Because the truth is, in most households, it’s still the woman who waits in for the plumber.
As a company of female plumbers we were never going to be the same. We’ve taken our difference and made it our advantage by creating The Stopcocks Solution. Being outside gives you clearer sight, you can see things those wholly within the existing culture can’t.
To create The Stopcocks Solution we looked at three things: What do customers want? What is wrong with the existing culture in construction? Where do women excel? And we applied the answers to plumbing.
The answers are simple and obvious and give us a clear advantage.
Customers want:- their plumbing to work efficiently, a fair price, tradespeople they can trust who treat them, their homes and their time with respect and who don’t patronise.
What’s wrong with the existing culture? Plumbers have a terrible reputation, for not turning up, not respecting customers time or homes, for being unscrupulous, untrustworthy and patronising and for getting away with a rubbish job when they can. (We know not all traditional plumbers behave like this but it is the dominant culture and it goes right through like the letters in Blackpool Rock).
Where do women excel? – Customer Service – Whether women like it or not we are prepared all our lives to become able to deliver great customer service.
Other than the quality of our plumbing, all the requirements of customers and problems with the existing culture of plumbers fall under this label (customer service) which women, either by nature or nurture are perfectly trained to fit.
So that’s what we do. We gather women plumbers and train women to be great plumbers and we use their natural (or trained) talents in customer service, plus we train our plumbers in customer service and we let you know that by using a Stopcocks Woman Plumber you’ll receive not just great plumbing, but great customer service.
The Stopcocks Solution is simple.
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