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Your plumber may be gorgeous (or in the majority of cases probably not) but that’s not what we’re talking about.

What your plumber always dreamed of being has huge significance for you as a customer.

It may come as a surprise but the women who contact us at Stopcocks Women Plumbers tell us pretty well without exception that becoming a plumber is the fulfillment of their greatest dream.

The say things like “it makes me feel happy in my heart”

We realise this is probably hard to understand for the majority of the population who don’t enjoy tussling with pipes and controlling water and it certainly isn’t demonstrated as a common opinion among tradespeople on shows like ‘Rogue Traders’, so we’ll explain.

Less than 1% of plumbing students are women and this number decreases when we actually look into the trade.

It’s not easy to become a plumber as a woman. You’re discouraged at every turn and even in this day and age frequently encounter comments like “you’ll get dirty love” and “there will be spiders you know!” not to mention sucked teeth and “it’s very heavy work!”

Not so surprising then that it takes a very committed woman to become a plumber.

That level of commitment only comes when someone has passion and dreams.

Its probably fair to say its rare for a woman to become a plumber without it being the fulfillment of her life’s dream.

Yes, there really are women who dream of becoming a plumber and it’s only these women who have the commitment to overcome all the obstacles in their way and become plumbers.

And this is very different to the journey the majority of men take.

We suspect that the proportion of men for whom becoming a plumber is their life’s dream is also around 1% of plumbers.

Unfortunately, for boys and men, the trades is where they are shunted by the educational system if they specifically don’t have a life’s dream.

Most men (and yes, we are generalising here ) ‘end up’ as plumbers and roofers etc, it’s not often an active choice.

This is an important part of what makes female plumbers very different from most male plumbers.

And as a customer, finding a plumber who is living their life’s dream by being a plumber is what you want, because those are the ones who will take the care that will make your home your dream home.

This is what makes choosing a Stopcocks Woman Plumber a no brainer.

The likely hood of any woman plumber being 100% committed to plumbing is high and at Stopcocks we don’t take anyone who isn’t 100% committed.

So you know you’ll be getting someone who really cares whenever you choose Stopcocks.

If there isn’t a Stopcocks Plumber in your area yet, how do you find the needle in the haystack that is the male plumber who absolutely loves plumbing and will treat you and your home with respect and bend over backwards to give you exactly what you want (for a fair price)?

Ask him what he dreamed of becoming when he was a little boy.

Ask him what he loves about plumbing.

If he looks at you as though you’re crazy or you get a stumped silence at the end of the phone you know he has no idea what you’re on about and you can move on to the next.

If he instantly starts telling you, excitedly everything that’s wonderful and inspiring about plumbing and being a plumber, you know you’ve found your man.

Hold on to him tightly and never let him go!

Of course it might be quicker and simpler just to call Stopcocks