1 Day
200+ Attendees
Fantastic Speakers
Great Prizes
Tickets for WIT 25 are available here now!
Click Here For Your TicketsBrand new venue in Camden Town - Mornington Crescent Tube
Meet other tradeswomen and trades trainees. Meet our brilliant sponsors who make all this possible. Great speakers. Hear other tradeswomen's stories. Free lunch. Fantastic raffle!Last year’s WIT was bigger and better than ever before
Five Minutes of Fame
Roundtable discussions
Meet other tradeswomen
the amazing Anna McNuff was our fabulous main speaker
and more tradeswomen than ever came along and had a brilliant time!
Take a look at what happened at WIT 2023 in this short video.
We were delighted to welcome the brave and fantastic Sally Kettle, Adventurer as this year’s headline speaker – “Sally’s story was great, I still can’t decide if she is insane or admirable.… maybe both!” said one attendee.
Sally was the first woman to row across the Atlantic twice and has also taken on many other incredible challenges. She was a very engaging and inspiring speaker.
WIT 24 will be on 4th July and at the same venue, The Great Hall, London Metropolitan University. Save the date now and watch this space for updates.
WIT 2023 the biggest and best yet!
We know we keep saying this, but every year WIT gets better.
Asked recently what we are most proud of, we said ‘seeing the faces of the tradeswomen meeting each other – whether for the first time, or as mates they haven’t seen since last year, and feeling the really great atmosphere in the room’.
THAT is what makes it worth while.
When we remember how few tradeswomen around UK had met another tradeswoman until they came along to a WIT, even now, even in 2023 – this is a major achievement.
Now, thanks to our fantastic supporters, tradeswomen can meet one another; this year there were almost 200 of them in the room together.
No one in the construction and maintenance industries except us is doing this, and we’d really like to thank our fantastic supporters for enabling us to make this happen. This year, for the first time, as well as plumbers and heating engineers, we’re delighted to welcome women electricians, painters and decorators, and plasterers along with our first sponsors from the electrical industry.
Next year we hope to have more electrical sponsors, and sponsors from a wider range of trades, encouraging more women – and providing more fantastic raffle prizes for everyone.
Hattie was asked to tell her story, from being a survivor of abuse to receiving the honour of an MBE, to being a business and thought leader and an inspiration to all women taking on non-traditional roles. To our surprise, many women in the room hadn’t heard this story before.
Tradeswomen up and down UK, from Aberdeen to Cornwall are making connections and supporting each other thanks to WIT. Next year promises to be even better.
WIT 2023
The Great Hall
London Met University
London – July 4th 2023
This year’s event is now confirmed.
Get free tickets if you’re a tradeswoman and more information here
Join us on July 4th 2023. Another great speaker, another opportunity to meet with other tradeswomen
We’re very excited to announce that the speaker at WIT 23 will be adventurer, Sally Kettle.
Sally was going to row across the atlantic accompanying her boyfriend, but when he dropped out she decided to go ahead anyway, and take her mum!
Sally believes adventures can happen at any time in our lives, she’s CEO of the Active Pregnancy Foundation, and freely gives her time to NGO Shelter Box – who provide emergency accommodation to people caught up in disasters, raising money for these and other causes, treks, leads teams of women from different backgrounds, appears on TV and radio and generally never backs off from a challenge!
As usual WIT provides loads of opportunities to meet other tradeswomen and share experiences, talk, listen and forge friendships, and to meet our fantastic sponsors.
There’s always a great lunch (let us know if you have any special dietary requirements) and of course, our famous and fabulous raffle!
Women Installers Together 22 (WIT22)
The Great Hall
London Met University
London – July 2022
What a day!
In spite of covid cancellations causing a lower turnout than expected the Women Installers Together (WIT) event on 6 July was the best so far with opportunities to meet other tradeswomen so many of us had been missing for two whole years.
“The fantastic positive atmosphere more than filled the room and everyone said what a great event it was” says organiser from Stopcocks Women Plumbers, Mica May.
“The day was great, despite having only chatted to a few of the attendees I got the feeling that they all enjoyed it.
There were certainly some good discussions going on during the round table sessions” said event partner Monument Tools.
WIT is the only event of its kind; a whole, structured day, it features professional speakers – Hattie Hasan MBE as MC and ex fighter pilot Mandy Hickson as inspiration, speakers from the floor in the Five Minutes of Fame and roundtable discussion of the issues of greatest concern to delegates present. WIT gives tradeswomen a rare opportunity to meet and talk with their peers.
What is WIT all about?
Take a look at some of last years highlights in this short video.
Women travelled from as far as Scotland and South Cornwall to the venue in Holloway, London to meet other tradeswomen, employed, self-employed and trainees.
With women in skilled trades still only around 1% of all tradespeople, this event is the only opportunity for many to meet others who share their unique experiences.
Almost a quarter of all women (22% according to a recent survey) would be interested in a career in skilled trades, but for a variety of reasons this is not translating into numbers in the industry, and attrition is often high.
Issues identified by the tradeswomen as significant in the round table discussions, were equality, pay inequality, cost of training, ‘banter’, lack of fit for purpose women’s workwear, and lack of suitable provision for women onsite (eg: toilets, sani-bins etc) with equality being by far the most important.
“This was our first full event since lockdown and to be in a room together, and feel the energy in the room, it was just great. We set ourselves very high goals with these events and this time we really feel we’ve achieved them. We can build on this momentum now, thanks to the fantastic support of our sponsors and allies” Hattie Hasan MBE: Stopcocks Women Plumbers, Women Installers Together and Register of Tradeswomen CIC Founder.
Throughout the event the mood was extremely positive, from the talk by Hattie Hasan MBE on recognition of Imposter Syndrome as something we all experience, how it manifests and ways to manage it, to inspiration from Mandy Hickson, one of the first women fighter pilots to fly a fast jet in combat, who shared leadership lessons she learned from that and the stories shared from attendees, one of whom talked about how she gained so much from attending the event it had helped her decide to stay in the industry!
Delegates and sponsors old and new have all been invited to continue feeding back to the organisers.
Finally was the ever popular raffle, with loads of fantastic prizes donated by partners, sponsors and supporters.
Monument Tools donated 22mm and 15mm pipe benders, a sweat box and an autocut, Williams – Trade Only donated a Velocity Pro rucksac, Adey gave a water testing kit, Mark Vitow donated a Flush Daddy, a pipe freezing kit and a Glo-Force magnetic light, Fernox gave a water testing kit, LCL Awards donated several courses at training centres they accredit and JTL gave a training course.
Supporters Altecnic gave two goody bags, Kibosh, a pipe freezing kit, Velocity Pro-Gear donated a rucksack and quote kit, Knipex donated a Little Helper kit, swan necks and snippers, Big Wipes gave lots of packs of big wipes, PHC Parts donated a mini kit of Wera tools and Ct1 donated a huge hamper.
The event finished with the usual photo of participants and for many, a visit to the pub for new and old friends.
Women Installers Together (WIT) 2019
We’re committed to increasing our visibility and improving conditions for tradeswomen within the industry as a whole. We look forward to meeting all other tradeswomen and businesses who share our vision.
If you’re a woman on the tools you can meet other tradeswomen and trainees all year round in our friendly and supportive Facebook Groups – Female Plumbers and Heating Engineers UK – Tradeswomen UK and Female Electricians UK
Here are some highlights from the 2019 event
Round Tables
Meet the Sponsors
Meet the Plumbing Press
Enter Our Raffle
Free Lunch
The conference that everyone is waiting for
Enter your email below and we’ll keep you updated.

Previous speakers
Some of the previous speakers we’ve had at Women Installers Together

Maggie Alphonsi MBE

Hattie Hasan MBE

Anna Hemmings MBE

Mandy Hickson

The generosity of these companies have helped make our events such a success. A big round of applause to…

The Great Hall. London Metropolitan University
Holloway Road
Want to learn more?
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if you have any questions.