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Money, Money, Money

Over the last few days I’ve spoken to four different people about money and finance. One said I should go down the traditional route and see a bank, and posed the many questions a bank manager would ask. (He advised that I don’t put VW to supply fleet of...

The Time is Now!

The brain is the most fascinating of organs. The only way we know anything, or feel anything, or believe anything is because our brain tells us to do so. When we fall over, or are involved in some kind of an accident, we see things in slow motion. Time seems to slow...


There are some truly wonderful people in the world. I have the pleasure of knowing quite a few of them myself. I have always believed that if one is good then one will receive good things. Even when I was growing up (this was not the happiest of times) I had a sense...

Water is Life

Why is there life on Earth? Why did this planet grow life and not Mars or Jupiter? What an amazing thing thing it must’ve been when Earth moved to the exact spot in the galaxy, in the universe where hydrogen and oxygen were formed and mixed to the exact 2-1...