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Our plumbers provide great customer service

We Have a strict Code of Conduct to ensure our plumbers provide great Customer Service

A look at privacy, plumbing and customer service by Stopcocks Women Plumbers regular blogger, Mica May.

We understand that having a plumber come and do work on your home isn’t only about whether they’re good at the plumbing. It’s very strange having a complete stranger enter your house and spend several hours there. Often they’re in your bathroom which is not too bad, but for many jobs they have to go into your bedroom; and sometimes they have to go into every room in the house. This can feel very odd and if you’re not comfortable with your plumber can be quite unpleasant.

We’ve heard of people who ring up a friend so that they’re not home alone when the plumber (electrician, whatever) comes.

It’s horrible that anyone feels the need to do that in their own home and it’s something we feel strongly about.

It’s important to feel safe and respected in your own home.

This is what makes Stopcocks Women Plumbers different.

Your privacy and safety in your own home is important to us and for us it is fundamental to how we deliver on customer service. As women ourselves, we share your concerns about allowing strangers into our homes. We believe that customer service is essential and your sense of safety, our respect for you, your home and your privacy is integral to that.

Stopcocks Women Plumbers all work to a strict Code of Conduct, guiding and regulating their behaviour in your home.

Our Code of Conduct ensures our plumbers behave respectfully to you, your home and your time (see our blog on respect for your time here

Our plumbers will never go into rooms they don’t need access to and while they’re there, they’ll only touch what they need to.

As plumbers it’s common that we have to go into all the rooms of your home. Water supplies and heating pipes run all over the house; under the floor. Often to find and fix a problem a plumber may have to trace pipes through several rooms that aren’t usually seen by anyone but their occupants. We get that this can feel weird and sometimes, a bit invasive and our Code of Conduct makes certain our plumbers keep their hands off your stuff.

Of course, this is easier when you have fully cleared the rooms before our plumber goes in there, but sometimes, that just isn’t possible.

Our Code of Conduct also rules exactly how our plumbers talk to you. They will always be polite and will explain exactly whats going on so that you can make fully informed decisions. They’ll be friendly, but professional, it’s what customer service means to us, so it’s something we deliver as standard.

Having this strict Code of Conduct makes certain all our plumbers know what’s expected of them, so people who can’t abide by it, simply don’t join us.

Finally, your safety; it is of paramount importance to us. Our plumbing will be carried out in safe ways and our plumbers won’t do anything that compromises your safety. Ever.

If you feel that plumbing is also about great customer service call us on 0800 8620010 or go to and find out more